Six standards for determining what is a strengths-based approach
Goal Orientation: It is crucial and vital for the person to set goals.
Strengths Assessment: The person finds, and assesses their strengths and inherent resources. The primary focus is not on problems or deficits, and the individual is supported to recognise the inherent resources they have at their disposal which they can use to counteract any difficulty or condition.
Resources from the Environment: Connect resources in the person’s environment that can be useful or enable the person to create links to these resources. The resources could be individuals, associations, institutions, or groups.
Different Methods are Used First for Different Situations: In solution-focused therapy, clients will determine goals first and then strengths. In Strengths-Based case management individuals first determine their strengths using an assessment. These methods will be different for each of the strengths-based approaches. For example, in solution-focused therapy clients will be assisted to set goals before the identification of strengths, whilst in strengths-based case management, individuals will go through a specific 'strengths assessment'.
The Relationship is Hope-Inducing: By finding strengths and linking to connections (with other people, communities, or culture).
Meaningful Choice: Each person is an expert on their strengths, resources, and hopes. It is the practitioner’s duty to improve upon choices the person makes and encourage making informed decisions.